We had a really nice time with family and friends last Sunday. We had a cook out at my Dad’s…poor thing, has to cook on Father’s day, lol! He doesn’t really mind, since he likes his cooking better than ours, LOL!
It was an especially sweet time for us because my Granny was there. She became ill in January and after several trips to the hospital was finally placed in the nursing home in March. This has been a very hard thing for me to deal with because she’s so full of life, yet unable to live life to the fullest.
She has lung disease, diabetes, and a heart condition. Life is hard for her, but she’s a wonderful testimony to me about how God can strengthen a person for the journey He has laid out for them. I would have expected her to be more upset, but she has adjusted very well. It was just such a shock because she left her home one morning and never returned. She had lived there for over 40 years and she didn’t get to ‘say goodbye.’ She had a dog that she loved so much, and she didn’t even get to say goodbye to her.
Despite all of these changes and losses, she has stayed focused on the good things. I’m reading a book by Carole Lewis called A Thankful Heart. The main verse is “Give Thanks for all things for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Carole’s daughter was killed by a drunk driver so she knows how tough this can be. I know a couple of mothers who have lost children and are still able to rejoice in the Lord and I will say, I’ve never seen God’s strength any clearer than in these precious women.
Although my grandmother has not lost a child, she has lost a considerable amount in a very short time, unexpectedly. She was living on her own, driving on her own and doing great! And just a few weeks before being hospitalized she had the entire family over for our annual Christmas breakfast. Life can change very fast. Enjoy the minutes you’re in! The here and now!
I plan on giving her this book, but honestly, she’s already living with a thankful heart! I love you granny!