Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TOS Review: Marshall Publishing’s Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks (book) and Fire Songs and Safety Tips (DVD)


We received a huge, color-filled book on Fire Trucks and a DVD on Fire Safety from Marshall Publishing. Both the book and DVD covered much more than just trucks and fire safety.

The DVD was basically several songs with footage of trucks, fires (nothing graphic), and firefighters. Included were tips on fire safety and what to do in case of an emergency (call 911, stop drop & roll, etc.). We used this as a reinforcement for what they had already learned when visiting the smoke house, where the firefighters taught fire safety.

The real treat came when we opened the book. It was about fire trucks for sure but not only that it included tons of history, science, pictures, illustrations, tips, websites, interesting facts about fire and firefighters and so much more. This book was amazing.

There was a section on major fires in history starting with the burning of Rome in 64 A.D. all the way through to 9/11/01. Another section teaches which fire extinguisher works best for each type of fire, and what to do if you don’t have a fire extinguisher. This book was FULL of useful information. I highly recommend it. The DVD was okay, but the book is the best part of the program, in my opinion.

The DVD was perfect for my younger elementary kids and the book was nice for them to look at but was actually best suited for my upper elementary and middle school children.

The cost of the Book & DVD combo is usually $49.90 but if you enter coupon code TOSF1 you can get it for $19.95 (plus S&H). To order call 1-888-300-3455 or visit Marshall Publishing or Fire Safety Songs.

Marshall Publishing offers more than just fire safety videos and books, they offer tons of other products from Rockets and Race Cars to Game Shows and Comedians. They also offer a great selection of historical videos such as The Oregon Trail & Pony Express and Lincoln at Gettysburg.



I was delighted to receive a bonus DVD of George Washington Carver. This is a 30 minute video that features an informative look into the life one of our nations great Scientist. This video is $19.95 plus S&H but if you enter the code TOSC1 you can get an additional 15% off.

Check out their site for more educational and entertaining products and for more Marshall Publishing reviews, head on over to the Crew Site.


**Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew, I received this product free of charge, in exchange for my honest opinion/review. For more honest reviews from real homeschoolers, visit the TOS Crew website.

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